Quinton Van Der Burgh: The self-made billionaire

The successful entrepreneur talks charity projects and Last Fighter Standing

He is the chief executive of several national and international companies in the telecommunications, mining, property development, hospitality and entertainment industries. Van der Burgh has brought on various projects like Clifton Shores, and the most recent, Last Fighter Standing. 

The L.A Dosage team had on opportunity to speak to the man-of-the-moment recently when Last Fighter Standing launched in Cape Town. The interview panned out as follows: 

The L.A Dosage: You've achieved greatly as an entrepreneur; to what do you owe to your success?

Quinton: Wow. That's a very complicated question. I suppose hard work, dedication and always aiming to push to the next level. Basically, the day you are complacent with what you are doing, is the day success starts coming your way.

The L.A Dosage: You have brought in projects like the Clifton Shores, and the most recent Generosity Water and now Last Fighter Standing. Tell us more.

Quinton: Personally, for me, I don't like to take on projects that are only South African-based but global like Coca-Cola. Generosity Water came on as a charity project and I knew a little bit about it and did some research. It's always about charity and giving back to the community. GW serves as a business model that gives back to the less fortunate. All these are global projects, and for me as a South African guy, I am trying to make my mark in the world; and the only way you can do that is by getting involved in international projects. 

Generosity Water initially started in America and has expanded to the likes of Europe, Australia and recently, Dubai and now South Africa. We take risks, every day is a huge risk for us. That's what entrepreneurship is about. When it comes to LFS, we would like to see ourselves as the new EFC of fighting and expanding ourselves to a global stage, like America, where we see how we measure up against the likes of UFC. We have to get it right here in South Africa before we make it right over there. 

The L.A Dosage: LFS introduces different styles of Mixed Martial Arts; would you say you have a keen interest in the sport?

Quinton: Yes! Definitely! Since I was a kid; I took up Taekwondo for many years then did MMA with some trainers. I love the sport; watching it and getting involved in it. So when this LFS formula came across my table it made common sense and knew we could take it to the next level. We want to entice these fighters and motivate them to build their careers without controlling them at the same time. 

The L.A Dosage: MMA is more diverse in Europe and Americas respectively. Do you see a potential of growth in SA considering how far EFC Africa has come?

Quinton: Ultimately our platform speaks to a global stage. It's the first in Africa; into America next and eventually onto the international market. So in about 3 to 4 years time we see ourselves having multiple competitions in diverse territories, and ultimately having those people compete against each other on a bigger stage like Las Vegas. 
We are aiming to have the best African, European and American fighters against each other; something that's never been seen before. EFC is not as diverse as us, merely, because they are focused on predominantly wrestling and jiu-jitsu. People want to see what we have because that's more showbiz and certainly more entertaining. We entice people to come and see something they've never seen before.     

The L.A Dosage: You are a busy man working on various projects at a time. Anything exciting in the pipeline you want us to know?

Quinton: (laughs). We don't give our secrets away but as you know my history and business in South Africa; I tend to surprise people. I am always bringing out something different and exciting. At the moment we are working on multiple projects, especially with entrepreneurship. We are quite vocal about helping communities and are always open to having people bring their projects and see where we take it from there.

The L.A Dosage: What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs looking to succeed the way you have?

Quinton: Jeez! Firstly, keep the eyes at the back of your head. It's certainly a difficult time for everyone including us who are an investment firm with a lot of money. We are facing numerous obstacles. South Africa's economy is not great at the moment. 

Be very selective with your money and associates and always make sure you are aware of the risks. Make sure you have a cash flow because money is very important; as you need to always be sure you have money the next day no matter what happens. 

Ladies and gentlemen, that is a wrap from us at The L.A Dosage HQ. We certainly had a blast at the Last Fighter Standing and an honour to interview Quinton Van Der Burgh. We hope you enjoyed this interview as much as we did.

Till next time. . .
