Inspirational words dedicated to Jacques Fagan (Mr SA contender and USN sponsored)

The following words were dedicated to a man who became a good friend of mine, I interviewed him sometime last year (21/06/2013) when he was in the process of contending for the Mr S.A title. 

I don't believe you have to
Be better than everybody else.
I believe you have to be better
Than you ever thought you could be.
The key is to keep company

Only with people who uplift you  whose presence calls forth your best.
Even if you fall on your face,
You will still be moving forward.
What you get by achieving
Your goals is not as important as what you have become by achieving goals.
Quality is not an act, it is a habit.

Do you work with your whole heart, and you will succeed.
There's so little competition 
Your talent is God's gift to you
What you do with it is your gift back to Go .
