Jacques Fagan: Life and Fitness

Jacques Fagan is an exceptional young man who has created quite a name for himself in the fitness industry. He is a good looking man, with a great head on his shoulders. You'd quickly think he is arrogant because he has every right to be but he is quite the opposite. Down to earth family man who is after his passion and making it work for him.

Here is what he had to say when I interviewed back in June of last year.

What got you started?
I was born and raised in the beautiful city Cape Town and moved up to Pretoria a year ago. I’ve always been very active person and played rugby most of the time representing WP/U18 ,WP/U21 and also played WP Sevens. Injuries forced me to stop in 2010 and from there onwards i focused completely on the fitness industry. Im proud to say that im a sponsored athlete and Ambassador for USN. My journey started 3 years ago when I decided to make a positive difference in my own life by stepping out of my comfort zone, taking on new opportunities, believing in myself and following that dream of living a life of success and through that whole process to stay humble and true to myself, morals and values!!

What is your biggest accomplishment in your field?
In my rugby career def playing for Western Province and in my Fitness Career being a sponsored athlete & Ambassador for USN (The Biggest Supplement company in SA) & also being on the Fitness magazine Cover.

What one or 3 other things do you do in your training that are keys to your success?
If You apply the 3 D’s  (Dedication, Determination & Discipline) and you fuel that with passion every single day of your life, you’ve got a one way ticket to Success!

What would be your ultimate achievement?
To stand on a world stage ,sharing my life story and knowing that my life story will inspire the masses.. On a more personal note, I would love to be the ultimate husband for my wife and a great role model for my children.

How do you set your goals?
I set short realistic goals (Weekly) and make sure I make it cause the small goals day by day take you one step closer to your Ultimate big goal in life.. Life is full of challenges and one can only grow  and become a person with purpose if you go through all life’s challenges and support.
What is your biggest challenge, and what do you do to manage this challenge?My biggest challenge is to focus and keep learning that the good and bad both serves us in life ,your successes and failures cause then you can embrace your emotions… learn from it, grow from it and live a purpose enlightened life.. One where your actions and NOT your words can inspire people.. I believe our gift in live ,once you found your purpose is to give it away by inspiring people to reach their full potential..
What is your diet like?
I have more like a maintenance diet and try to maintain it right through the year: If I’m not competing I follow this diet through the week and then on weekends I cheat and eat what ever I want.
Diet and Nutrition Plan

2 x
USN Phedracut Hardcore or Phedracut Lipo XT caps 30 min breakfast
Breakfast Meal 1 - 100g rolled Oats plus USN 100% whey protein with semi skimmed milk/water
USN CLA 1000 tablets 30 min, 1 USN Vitamin C
Meal 2 - 2 x wholemeal bread plus 4 egg whites and 1 yolk poached/scrambled or cup Quinoa and Chicken Breast
2 xUSN Phedracut Lipo XT caps 30 min before Lunch
Lunch Meal 3 - Jacket potato with a tin of tuna / Chicken Breast
2 x USN CLA 1000 tablets 30 min
Meal 4 – White/brown pasta (60g dry) plus 1 Chicken Breast or cup Quinoa and Chicken Breast
*pre workout drink USN  Hyperdrive 30 minutes (prior to training)*

GYM - 1 hour intense/pushing to limit training
post workout drink USN Hardcore Whey Gh
2 xUSN Phedracut Lipo XT caps 30 min before dinner
Dinner Meal 5 – 250g sweet potato plus chicken breast/steak/fish
2 x USN CLA 1000 tablets 30 min
Meal 6 USN IGF-1 protein shake  with HGH500 (1 tea spoon Before bed) or 6 scrambled eggs
This is a high carb, high protein balanced diet which will aid fat burn and increase muscle size/endurance/strength. To supplement this diet I also have 3 servings of Salmon oil tablets throughout the day and i also drink 3L to 4L still Water every day!
USN Phedracut Lipo XT 5days ON 2 days OFF!
*Each meal must be 2 – 3 hours out of each other

What 1-2 things d you believe differentiates you from your contemporaries who have tailed off in their athletic participation and abilities?
I understand that life don’t owe you anything and that if you want success and respect you have to earn it.. Having that mind set I know everyday the hard work I put in body, Mind, Body & Soul will someday come back to me. Knowing that and living a life with faith and believe in my God that you will be rewarded when the time is right.. IT keeps me motivated and I also can’t deny the amazing support from my family and friends.
Do you have any recommended resources to share ( books, seminars, websites, coaches)?
The following books made a big impact on my life:
The Monk Who sold his Ferrari
Heavenly Man
Think Big
Screw it Lets Do It
A New Earth
Blink – The Power of Thinking without Thinking

My Life Coach William Badenhorst:
William Badenhorst started his public career at the age of 17 when he appeared before 12 000 people. He has studied under the leading human behaviour specialists in the world; Dr Tad James, Anthony Robbins, Dr John F Demartini and Dr Wayne Dyer. He is a qualified Master NLP Coach and Trainer, and is currently completing his PhD in Metaphysical Science. William is considered to be one of the leading authorities in Personal and Business Mastery in the country.
Have you experienced a breakthrough, and if so, what led to it?
At a point in my life where change and self belief are crucial, William came and helped me break those barriers!! On this journey of mine becoming a person of success and finding the purpose of my life, William helped me find and most importantly believe that I AM everything and anything that I need to achieve my goals! He helped me turn my limiting beliefs into UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES and most importantly living a life with Gratitude. That setbacks and failures are only stepping stones in the right direction and leading you on the road to the purpose of my life!!  My self-confidence is growing day by day and I now know and understand that I am fully in charge of my success in life and that I’m A WORLD SHAKER!! What the eyes don’t see but what the soul feels are the vital secret of what life is all about and living a life of Gratitude WILL take you to your DESTINY!
Where do you draw inspiration from?
From TRUE people all around me, those with integrity, love , loyalty & respect, those handful of people inspire me because they true to them self and nothing is more powerful and inspirational than a person who lives from Within knowing that their actions inspire those around them.
Anything else you'd like to share?
Everything in life is about balance and therefore I make time for all of those areas in my life. I think the biggest problem most people have is focusing to much on the physical outside appearance and not spending equal time in feeding your thoughts with the right “nutrition” (Positive thoughts).  Too much of anything is bad for you and its so important to make time for family, friends , social activities, hobbies and your training. A well balanced combination of all those things constitutes to a healthy lifestyle. 
It was truly an honour to have interviewed such an exceptional and passionate young man. I ended up drawing inspiration from him for my day to day life activities.
To follow more on his life and aspirations, who may follow him on the following platforms:
Till next time. . . .
