Absa Cape Epic: Prologue (15.03.15)

University of Cape Town helped us kick-start the prologue of the Absa Cape Epic

Anyone who was present at the start of the Absa Cape Epic on the 17th March can agree, that it was indeed beautiful day in the gem that is Mother City. We experienced a bit of an overcast and in between chilly and warm day.

Overcast weather but that did not stop people from coming through to support the riders
That did not stop the festivities that were about to kick off with the Prologue of the Cape Epic Untamed African mountain bike race. The race started off early in the morning at the University of Cape Town, with about 1 200 riders partaking in the race. The conditions out there were quite tough and saw some riders struggling and some showing their untamed, ultimate form and willingness to finish the race no matter what came their way.

Riders pushing through 
The riders partook in the prologue race that consisted a distance of 20 km and climb of about 600 m in order to be guaranteed a superb finish at the end of it all and lead us to Oak Valley Estate, Elgin; where we were to spend the next 3 nights.

Some of the spectators were seen cheering on at Deadman's Tree
The course immediately headed upwards as soon as they had left the flat surface. The riders who were familiar with the trail definitely knew what was coming when they passed the quarry on their right, and thereafter the second was 12km of riding upwards and strongly towards Dead Man's Tree. The last 50m the riders had to climb was definitely felt, even by those who had never ridden a bicycle in their life, yet alone mountain biking. This route definitely put a lot of riders to the test on the first day already, and proved to be a definite challenge to be conquered by others; and these would be what we call the 'elite' teams.  The route led up to Tafelberg Road and ended up mostly downhill for the remaining kilometres for the riders to continue and finish of with a normal track thereafter. The elite teams were then expected at the finish line at around 10/10:30 am and the rest of the riders cutoff time was at about noon and those who missed the cutoff time, had to go through an excruciating time as rider at the finish line, with your tag number being cut off you and having to face this shame and pain; having spectators and everyone else around look on.

In total 310 riders who finished the prologue race were tallied and the top 10 teams were as follows:

Martin Gujan (left) & Fabian Gijer (right)

1. Novus OMX Pro

2. Bulls (1)

3. Investec-Songo-Specialized

4. Kargo Pro MTB

5. Multivan Merida

6. USN #1

7. Topeak Ergon (1)

8. Red-E Blend

9. Topeak Ergon (2)

10. Scott Factory Racing

All riders took on the prologue race superbly and endured the intense 600m climb that was ahead of them and finished victorious. With that said, not all teams could be placed on the podium at the finish line and only the top 3 and one team was given the yellow striped leader jersey.

The top 3 teams and their riders who were placed at the podium with their irrespective times were as follows:

Top 3 teams from the Prologue race win
1. Novus OMX Pro

* Martin Gujan and Fabian Gijer both riders from Switzerland finished first at the podium with an overall time of 46.18,3

2. Bulls (1)

* Karl Platt from Germany and Urs Huber from Switzerland finished at a super 2nd at the podium with an overall time of 46.37,8

3. Investec-Songo-Specialized 

* Christoph Sauser from Switzerland and Jaroslav Kulhavy from Czech Republic, finished at a dashing 3rd at the podium with an overall time of 46.42,1

Before wrapping the men's elite teams from the Prologue race, we also have to honour the top 3 Sasol women who were strong and fierce and were considered to be on the same riding level as the men. These women were the epitome of fun, fearless women who were not deterred by the distance nor the climbs. They were determined to finish tops. The top 3 Sasol Women's teams were RECM Specialized, Ascendis Health and SasolRacing.

Ariane Kleinhans (left) & her winglady Annika Langvald (right)
Of course one team must shine and take first place and it had to be the RECM Specialized riders, Ariane Kleinhans from Switzerland and Annika Langvad from Denmark irrespectively. After seeing these two women finish first at the Prologue, they were definitely the ones to watch for the next days that followed at the Absa Cape Epic African Untamed mountain biking. 

The Prologue was definitely a success and the rest of the days were sure to be looked forward to.

Stay tuned for the rest of the race days to follow.

Till next time. . .
