Local EFC fighter launches food venture
Foodies in Cape Town will unite with First Access
The L.A Dosage was invited to a launch at the Myatt Cafe in the V&A Waterfront. Little did we know it would include someone in our closest sports circle in the form of EFC Africa fighter, Irshaad Sayed who is the brainchild behind this upcoming exciting venture.
First Access is a website that will offer South African foodies “first come first serve access” to the first table of the evening, for two to four people at an exclusive restaurant that has partnered with the brand. This will be a sort after brand for people who enjoy fine dining but also help motivate people to try out new restaurants they wouldn't necessarily go to first hand.
[Great culture experience if you ask us.]
How will First Access work:
Upon registering, keen diners will have access to five star restaurant deals which will only cost R100 to purchase. Thereafter the restaurant will be notified regarding the reservation and a confirmation email will be sent to the client. Restaurant owners have the opportunity to upload deals and specials, as well as their own terms and conditions.
*This will however exclude drinks and restaurants can remove any specials at their own terms.
First Access will start off in Cape Town and will eventually extend to Johannesburg and to other areas as the brand expands accordingly.
*Myatt Cafe is the first exclusive restaurant to get on board and we know with the quality that is food will definitely attract the Cape Town folk.
First Access will OFFICIALLY launch on Friday, 11 November. Foodies, you better watch out. The next best thing since sliced bread is about to launch.
Thank you to Jess and her team at Jam Media for organising this blogger's lunch. The team at The L.A Dosage would like to wish Irshaad all the success with his new venture. We will certainly be putting it to good use ;)
Till next time. . .
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